A place for everyone

HobbHUB is an online social media platform, which provides the oppurtunity to share about your hobbies and celebrate your achievements with other poeple all over the world who experience the same interest as you

About us

We are a small team of students who had the amazing idea of creating a social media platform specifically dedicated to sharting your hobbies with other people. We can all agree that we're sometimes shy to share about ourselves and it's hard to find people who share the same interest in a certain hobby. That's why we present to you HobbHUB, a place for everyone. You are free to share your achievements and chat with people across the world about what you all like. Enjoy what you like even more today with HobbHub!

How HobbHUB works

In this section we will explain to you how to navigate in HobbHUB.
After you have made an account and have logged in, on the navigation bar on the top, you'll find a "Hobbie list" button which opens a sidebar including every existing hobby in our website, as well as a search bar to make your exploring easier. Each hobby has a few open channels.
There is the general chat where you can talk about your hobby with everyone.
Right next to it is the "Teams" section. That's where you'll be looking wether if you are searching for a local team to join, or if you are searching for players to fill your team.
Finally we have the "Achievemnts" tab. That's where you can show off your success. Don't brag in a rude way of course, but share your achievemnts, explain how you got to that point and maybe share some encouraging words. We want to be nice to everyone after all.
There may be more channels in the future. Enjoy your stay in HobbHUB and remember to keep working on your dreams to make them real one day


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